Davis Horton Gallery

My book, Breath Taking: Sheltering In Our Garden, is in excellent company in the 12th Annual Photobook Show at the Davis Orton Gallery in Hudson, New York from November 20 to December 19, 2021. Other artists represented include: • Debra Achen • Stephen Albair • Stan Banos • Gary Beeber • Bruce Berkow • Mike Callaghan • Nicholas Costopoulos • Maureen Drennan • Melissa Eder • Mark Farber • Jake Foster • Samantha Goss • Joe Greene • Anita Harris • Timothy Hearsum • Samantha Herbert • Judi Iranyi • Doug Johnson • Kevin B Jones • Kate& Geir Jordahl • Matthew Kamholtz • Stella Kramer • Philip Malkin • Andy Mattern • Forest McMullin • Meryl Meisler • Linda Morrow • Laila Nahar • Fern Nesson • Donna Oglesby • Robert Pacheco • Robert Palumbo • Betty Press • Keron Psillas • Renato Rampolla • Joanne Ross • Patricia Scialo • Ron Snider • Benjamin Tankersley • Sal Taylor Kydd • Julia Vandenoever • Thomas Whitworth • Sharon Wickham

Copies of my book are available from me $35 soft cover; $50 hard cover. plus $4.00 shipping in the United States.


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